There are certain things and items I need to have around me in order to stand up straight. In no particular order listed below are 13 things that help me get around the clock.
My Dogs
I have a 9-year-old Rottweiler named Bolo, a 6-year-old Cane Corso named Maya, and a 3 1/2-month-old Boerboel named Sheba. All three are a hand full. They all demand a certain kind of attention that is different for each of them. They exhaust me, plus get on my nerves every single day, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
My Cell Phone
The telephone has always been important to me, but my cell phone has become my life, and I am surprised I feel this way. My Note 10 is a couple years old. I am not planning to upgrade anytime soon. There are more gadgets on it than I know how to use, but I often use, what I do know how to operate. Sometimes it is hard to believe my phone is also my camera. I remember studying photography and working with a Canon AE1.
My phone has easy access to my social media, all linked to Permed to Natural, which I like to visit throughout the day.
I no longer have a landline. They have become extremely expensive and I am confused about that as well.
My Car
My SUV Captiva gets me around town. It is kinda old but I am okay with it. If I still lived in my hometown, New York, I probably would have gotten rid of it. The subway is very helpful. However, in New Mexico, I need a car, and this SUV has worked wonders for me.
Beauty Regime
I can do an entire post on my beauty regime and soon I will. As I started to have acne breakouts in my early teens I developed a skincare routine that, at first, seemed like a part-time job, but has paid off dearly in my seasoned years. Now, at 56, I am learning to care for dry skin. My skincare regimen consists of the following using all anti-aging products: oil cleanser, cleanser/toner, clay mask or exfoliant, mist, serum, moisturizer with SPF, night cream, replenishing oil, eye treatment.
Hair Moisturizer
New Mexico’s climate is super-duper dry, and after ten years living here, my hair still cannot deal. When I wear an afro my hair becomes brittle like dry crunchy leaves in a matter of minutes. Every day, two or three times a day, I apply four types of hair moisturizer that include: hair oil, hair grease, hair cream, and leave-in conditioner (necessity), and every time I do, my scalp feels like it can suddenly breathe again.
I remember back in the day when braided extensions were not that popular. People used to ask me, “Is that your hair?” My response would be, “Yes it is. I own it.” Today no one cares. Loads of people, including men, wear extensions, and it is not a big deal anymore. My box braids last longer with extensions. Extensions make my hair look thicker. Extensions are great for protective styling.
I never wore SPF until I moved to New Mexico. I should have but I did not. I am now very close to the sun and I wear SPF every single day. If I stay indoors I apply SPF. Before I go outside I apply SPF. Scientists and make-up experts say everyone should wear SPF daily from the lightest complexion to the darkest complexion. It is part of my daily beauty routine.
Make Up
I have been a fan of make-up before I was allowed to wear it. I love the colors, textures, and different looks make-up offers. If I showcase a natural look, or a face beat-to-the-gods, make-up helps me explore my beauty and femininity.
Vitamins have been a part of my beauty regimen since I had acne as a teenager. If not for my daily vitamin intake, I would have acne scars because I certainly popped every whitehead, blackhead, and pimple I saw on my face. Every day I take a beauty supplement, hair, skin, and nails supplement, vitamins A, B, C, D, and E.
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
I am a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. I pledged on a line with 61 other women. There are 62 of us. I am number 53. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is part of the Divine Nine (D9) a collaborative council composed of historically African American fraternities and sororities. Having served on various committees, including the National Commission of Arts and Letters, I have met and worked with fantastic women from all over the world. There is an instant connection with my Sorors and other members of the D9 that I will forever be grateful for. It is an extreme blessing in my world.
I cannot blog without my laptop and desktop. Permed to Natural lives in there and so does its social media. When I am tired of being stationed at my desk, I can take my laptop anywhere, and still get the job done. I enjoy blogging at Barnes & Noble and Starbucks. Is that old school?
My Journal
I started a blogging journal to help keep track of my thoughts for Permed to Natural. Little pieces of paper get lost. It is too messy. And I get confused. With a journal, every idea is in one place, which makes it easier to find my notes when I need them.
In April 1993 I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Because my pancreas stopped producing insulin I take multiple shots daily to keep on keeping on. I have not tried the pump or other devices attached to the body. If any person with diabetes has, let me know of your experience, I am interested.
What are some of the things you need in your life to keep you moving in a positive direction?