Permed to Natural:
A Magical Place Where Beauty and Femininity is Celebrated
Staci Miceli is from Queens, New York. She started Permed to Natural to document her journey from having permed straight hair to letting it grow into its natural form of kinks, naps, and curls. Now that her hair is entirely natural, and she maintains braids to keep her curls protected and moisturized due to the dry climate of her current hometown, Permed to Natural also focuses on showcasing beauty and femininity with confidence, class, and style.
Staci is a classically trained dancer. She entered her first beauty pageant at age 40 and now holds several state and national beauty queen titles. To highlight her pageant experience and lifestyle, Staci interviewed with Essence Magazine, Today’s Black Woman Magazine, Pageantry Magazine, New York Daily News, “The Dr. Phil Show,” and WBLS-FM’s “The Hal Jackson Show,” to name a few.
Staci graduated from Morgan State University with a bachelor’s degree in Communications and served in the United States Peace Corps as an agriculture volunteer in the Congo. Staci worked as a publicist in New York City and Los Angeles and continued her career in the helping profession in Albuquerque.
Staci is a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and lives in Rio Rancho, New Mexico with her husband and three dogs that include a Rottweiler, Cane Corso, and Boerboel.