Some mornings I wake up energized. Some mornings I don’t comb my hair. Some mornings I rush to do things. Some mornings I realize I have too much to do.
Most mornings I journal. Most mornings I apply makeup. Most mornings I enjoy my quiet time. Most mornings I listen to the outdoors’ four-legged animals wake up with me.
Every morning I wake up early. Every morning I drink mushroom coffee. Every morning I kiss my husband. Every morning I feed my dogs. Every morning I work on something I like. Every morning I admire my view, the mountains and the volcanoes, the sunrise, the defined colors, from inside my entire house. And for that, I am grateful, because I know I can see God.
Now, I accept that I am a morning person. I own my mornings and am happy I cannot sleep the day away if I tried. I am my most productive in the morning. My best mornings were in the Congo. Every morning there was a sweet scent in the air from the citrus fruit in the trees. The wind would pick up a light breeze and the warm sweetness wrapped around me like a protective cloak. At those sweet moments, I knew, I was where God wanted me to be.